

  1. 在上一個世紀,冷戰的世界是雙極的,是一個美蘇兩個陣營的對抗的世界。
  2. 蘇聯解體後,世界是單極的,美國成為世界主要的領導者。
  3. 接下來的世界會是單極的、多極的混搭。
  4. 軍事上世界仍是單極的,美國是唯一可以部署軍事力量到全球的國家。
  5. 經濟上世界是多極的,美國、中國、日本、印度、歐洲,沒有一個國家可以領導其他國家。
  6. 科技上,世界的統治者在未來可能不是一個國家,而是影響力巨大的科技公司,以及他們的領導者與擁有者。從晶片、稀有礦物、到社群平台、智慧裝置、與人工智慧。
  7. 現今的社會,科技公司的影響力,可能比國家還要巨大,影響我們對於資訊的獲取、影響我們的價值觀、影響我們對世界的看法。這是一個跨越區域的力量,而且又與地緣政治複雜的關聯在一起。



The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think | Ian Bremmer | TED | annotated by Kuenmou
Who runs the world? Political scientist Ian Bremmer argues it’s not as simple as it used to be. With some eye-opening questions about the nature of leadership, he asks us to consider the impact of the evolving global order and our choices as participants in the future of democracy. If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas: https://ted.com/membership Follow TED! Twitter: https://twitter.com/TEDTalks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ted Facebook: https://facebook.com/TED LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ted-conferences TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tedtoks The TED Talks channel features talks, performances and original series from the world’s leading thinkers and doers. Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Visit https://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and…

.Or if the digital order becomes increasingly dominantand governments erode in their capacity to govern,and we've already seen the beginning of this,technology companies will become the dominant actors

on the global stage in every wayand we will have a techno-polar order.And that will determine whether we have a world of limitless opportunityor a world without freedom.


Because these technology companies are not just Fortune 50 and 100 actors.These technology titans are not just men worth 50 or 100 billion dollars or more.They are increasingly the most powerful people on the planetwith influence over our futures.And we need to know,are they going to act accountablyas they release new and powerful artificial intelligence?


United States was the principal exporter of democracy in the world.Not always successfully.Often hypocritically.But number one, nonetheless.Today, the United States has become the principal exporter of tools that destroy democracy. The technology leaders who create and control these tools,are they OK with that?Or are they going to do something about it?We need to know.

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